If you have been reading this blog for any amount of time you know that I am a big believer in moderation. Moving our bodies in ways that feel good often goes a long way towards promoting good health. The beauty of looking at “movement” as opposed to “exercise” is that you can stay in your comfort zone, at least most of the time. However, I do also encourage you to play with venturing out of your comfort zone and finding your edge.
Why? Pushing yourself beyond what you thought you were physically capable of is a great way to build confidence. Ego aside, the more you venture out of your comfort zone, the more expansive your comfort zone becomes. Eventually you grow comfortable with what was once uncomfortable and your box becomes larger, and who knows, maybe even encompasses the whole movement world.
When stepping out of the comfort zone, I implore you to go slowly and with much care. Jump out for a bit, then jump back in. Before you know it you’ll be growing by leaps and bounds. The following are a few ideas to play with the push:
-Try some circuit training: Don’t think you can sprint for a full 30 minutes? Are you not Usain Bolt? That’s ok. When performing cardiovascular exercise, try upping the intensity (either speed or resistance) for 1 minute, then bringing it back down to a more comfortable working pace for 4.
-Get out of your own head: Schedule a session with a personal trainer or go to a class you’ve been wanting to try. Odds are you will work harder than you would on your own.
-Have fun with it: So you’ve been at this healthy lifestyle thing for a while now, taking care of your body like a luxury automobile. Aren’t you curious what it would be like to switch things into high gear? Like your car, you wouldn’t want your body to stay there all the time but it is fun go there every once in a while.
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That time I tried running intervals with Dee, as you can see she wasn’t into it……