There is a misconception surrounding the wellness world that true health is only for the elite. Sure, you could spend a significant amount of your income on fancy workout clothing and juice cleanses, but in my experience it isn’t necessary. Sometimes the best remedies are the simplest.
Last week we took off to Florida to visit family and get some vitamin D. While staying in the Palm Beach area, we treated ourselves to some local vegan fare. From algae to activated charcoal, crazy stuff started making its way into my smoothies. At first I was delighted to try some new things, but after a few days it began to get old. I love goji berries and maca powder as much as the next girl, but there is something to be said for getting back to basics.
On our last day there, we decided to take T out to lunch at a place that was decidedly not for kids. Just as I was getting comfortable with my collard wrap and ostensibly blending in with the West Palm locals, he proceeded to knock his alkaline water off the very white table and onto the pristine bamboo floor. His organic and local green smoothie soon followed. As I mopped up both with sustainably sourced paper napkins, I knew the jig was up. It’s impossible to fake swanky whilst crawling around under a table mopping up green goo.
Though I would never resist if forced aboard a private plane and whisked off to yoga camp, I recognize that simple day to day habits are the true foundation of health . The following are three ways to indulge your senses without breaking the bank (or even spending a penny!):
-Go Wild: Spending time outdoors is a much needed but often overlooked health habit. Motivation for a walk through the woods may come more readily in springtime, but with benefits like lower anxiety and increased immunity it may be worthwhile to don that parka and embrace a winter wonderland.
-Wake Up and Stretch the Body: In this post I touched on the benefits of yin style yoga, but any movement will do. As we sleep, “fuzz” grows between the sliding surfaces of muscles which makes us feel stiff. Movement, particularly stretching, is a great way to alleviate stiffness and keep fuzz from accumulating.
-Stop and Sniff the Oil: Ever inhale a particular smell and get sent back in time? Our sense of smell is linked more closely with memory than any other sense. Inhaling essential oils can generate a potent brain response. If you are really strapped for cash, simmering a cinnamon stick in water on the stove or inhaling the steam of your favorite herbal tea will do. Find a scent you like to inspire when you need a pick-me-up.
For more tips, tricks, and musings on health, head over to the Joyful Gym Rat page on Facebook!
T prefers surf and sand to a high class juice bar any day….